Coronavirus / COVID-19

Red Deer Village, Stepps, is planning on doing its’s best to help residents through the coronavirus outbreak. Find out more about what we recommend here.
At Red Deer Village there is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of our staff, residents and customers. New reports of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation develop daily. Therefore, we are doing our best to monitor changes and follow guidance from the Government and public health officials.
Our housekeeping, office staff and bus driver, Alistair, have reduced their hours to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus and to look after and protect their own families. Many of them will be affected by school closures. Maria, our office manager, will now not be in on a Wednesday and Thursday. Bus trips and outings will be cancelled for the foreseeable future.
We will try our best to continue with outside work. Hence, you may still see the grounds team around the park.
Residents’ Hub
Although our residents hub has undergone a thorough cleaning, we recommend that all residents enter only if necessary. We have taken the decision to cancel all events and activities in the hub as a precaution until further notice. You can still contact the office by email or phone: / 0141 779 2973. You can also call on the holiday park mobile in case of emergencies: 07966 244491.
Symptoms/ Doctor Appointments
We also ask that if you show signs of a cough, high temperature, shortness of breath, sore throat, dizziness or a headache that you do not enter the hub. If you do show these symptoms, you MUST self-isolate for 14 days to protect others. If you have any scheduled hospital or GP appointments in this time, contact them by telephone to rearrange or to receive the care you still need.
Stepps Surgery: 0141 779 4445
Dr Nalagatla Medical Practice Stepps: 0141 779 2330
Dr Nalagatla Medical Practice Muirhead: 0141 779 2017
NHS: 111
Increased Risk of Coronavirus
Those at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus include those aged over 70 (regardless of health). It also includes those with underlying health conditions. These can be conditions such as severely overweight, respiratory diseases, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, neurological conditions, diabetes or weakened immune systems. You should take extra careful measures to protect yourself from COVID-19 if you are undergoing any regular treatments. These include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunosuppression medication or leukaemia treatment. This also applies if you have severe asthma, severe diseases of body systems or cystic fibrosis.
Reducing the Risk
We ask that all residents, to protect themselves and others, action the following:
- Avoid contact with anyone displaying symptoms of coronavirus
- Work from home where possible
- Avoid non-essential use of public transport, especially at rush hour
- Avoid large gatherings and gatherings in smaller public spaces
- Keep in touch with friends, family and GP via remote technology such as phone, internet and social media, rather than face-to-face if possible
To help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, it is recommended to wash your hands more often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitiser only when hand washing isn’t possible. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw the tissue into a bin. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in your home.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
To look after your mental wellbeing during times of social distancing, spend time doing things you enjoy such as:
- Reading
- Cooking
- Watching TV
- Listening to radio
- Other indoor hobbies
You can also find ideas of exercise to do at home on the NHS website: Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals and drink plenty of water. Please also try to avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs and keep windows open to let in fresh air. You can also go for a walk outside if you stay more than 2 metres away from others.
We Want to Help
The team at Red Deer Village are available to help during this difficult time. If you need help collecting essential groceries, medication, or if you need help with anything else, we will do our best to be of assistance. We will collect and deliver these items for you where possible if it is safe to do so. Various residents and neighbours have also offered to help, and are eager to assist households with someone in a high risk category. You can also contact your pharmacy to arrange prescription delivery if you are finding it difficult to travel or wish to remain in isolation. Stepps Pharmacy can be reached on 0141 779 3363.
If you notice that your neighbours have unusually not been out and about in the last couple of days, please do your best to check on them. If you are unable to do this, please let the office know so that we can try to get in touch.
Supermarket Hours for Elderly
For those who have been struggling with empty shelves, many stores will now open at certain times exclusively for elderly individuals. Tesco will be exclusive for older people 9am-10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (closest is Shettleston). Asda at Robroyston will also be open exclusively from 6am-9am. Iceland will also be opening for exclusive shopping for over 65s and those with disabilities, but times vary for different stores. The nearest is 15 minutes away at The Lochs Shopping Centre. If possible, try to organise online supermarket shopping and delivery to limit possible contact with Coronavirus.
Find Out More
We can only act upon constantly changing guidelines and will do our best to keep you updated going forward. We ask for your support and co-operation, and we aim to get through this pandemic as a community, with much brighter times ahead! Please continue checking for regular updates on our website.
Find out more information at: