Hub Happenings this Christmas

There’s been plenty of festive events taking place in the residents hub this winter. It’s been lovely to see neighbours making use of our communal space once again. We’re very excited to share some of our ‘hub happenings’ from December with you! Check out what we’ve been up to below.
Salvation Army Collection
Our first ‘hub happening’ was be our annual Salvation Army donation. Red Deer Village donates £250 worth of presents to the Salvation Army every year. They distribute these to kids across the local area who otherwise may not get a Christmas present. This includes toys, sweets, hats, scarves, gloves, makeup and colouring sets. This year, we’d like to thank Asda Robroyston for offering a 10% discount, allowing us to get even more presents for our £250.
We’d also like to thank our residents, whose contribution of cuddly toys, knitted scarves, sweets and other gifts have been wonderful. Furthermore, they also raised £130 in cash donations, which has been donated through the Salvation Army’s Just Giving page. Thank you to everyone for their generosity. Robin from the Salvation Army came to collect donations on Wednesday, 1 December and is pictured to the left with Ivan Hendry, director. Since then, he has had to return a further twice to collect even more!
The first picture is the presents from the park, the second is with the addition of some resident gifts and the 3rd is it all packaged up.
Christmas Lights Switch-on
After the Salvation Army collection, we turned on our Christmas lights. Some residents gathered in the office beforehand for a tea or coffee, whilst others waited outside. The lights were turned on at 5pm by one of our newest residents and head of maintenance, Carl Matthews. We hope everyone enjoys the display this year!
Jewellery Night
On Friday, 3 December, a jewellery night was hosted in the hub and organised by one of our residents, Maureen McGinty. She organised the event on behalf of her friend, Mags. Mags showcased her beautiful jewellery, allowing residents around the park to purchase gifts for themselves or for Christmas. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a lovely evening!
Edinburgh Christmas Markets Trip
On Thursday, 25 November, Alistair took residents on our courtesy shuttle bus to Edinburgh for a day at Edinburgh Christmas markets. We enjoyed seeing new and familiar faces on the bus for this trip. Thank you to those that came along, we hope you had a lovely day!
Hub Happenings Over Christmas
Unfortunately, no “hub happenings” are scheduled over the Christmas period this year. The hub will close for Christmas at 4pm on Thursday 23 December and will reopen at 9am on Monday 3 January. We look forward to seeing you in the new year! Should any emergencies occur, please call us on 07966 244491.