Spring/Summer Events and Activities

There’s been a lot happening at Red Deer Village in Glasgow, over the past few months. We’ve hosted a variety of events and activities in our Residents Hub, which have all of been extremely well attended and a roaring success. We will be taking a short break over the summer so that residents can enjoy the hot weather. Here’s just some of the things we’ve been up to.
Quiz Nights
The winners of both our March and April quiz nights were the reigning supreme champions, the Wooden Tops of Oakwood Court. Our quiz nights have taken a short pause over the summer months, but will be back again this autumn – plenty of time for residents to brush up on their general knowledge! Below are some photos of our last few quiz nights.
Social Nights
The hub has played host to several social nights. The first theme was “cheese and wine”, and the second was “singalong”, hosted by Ian and Roseanne Connell. We can’t wait to see ideas for the next one!
Car Boot Swap
Next, came our car boot swap. As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another’s treasure! It was a lovely sunny day for it, even if everyone only did manage to get rid of a few old items. We’d be interested in holding a swap shop in our residents hub at some stage as one of our next activities.
Cream Tea
Our latest event was our cream tea, held at the beginning of June, in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee. This afternoon managed to raise £44.56 for the Butterfly Trust. Thank you to everyone who attended, and to all who brought baked goods with them to contribute to the event. We also thank everyone who participated for using cups and saucers, to give the event its’ traditional afternoon tea feel!
Charity Boxes
As mentioned in our last events blog, we had previously raised £33.19 for Butterfly Trust (now £77.75 total including cream tea). We then managed to raise £65.45 for Help for Heroes in April, £37.29 for British Heart Foundation in May and £18.30 for Children in Need in June. Below are photos of the Butterfly Trust and Help for Heroes representatives coming to collect. Our chosen charity for July is Dogs Trust.
Arm Chair Yoga
With the beginning of spring in the hub came a new chair yoga session. Nerina, our lovely fitness professional, taught everyone a range of stretching exercises, both standing and sitting, to get those limbs loosened up!
Fire Safety
Jim Scott, the community fire fighter for the area, visited to give residents a talk on fire safety within the home. He left behind information leaflets and went into great details. He also offered a free service where someone from the Fire & Rescue Service can come into residents’ home and check for any fire hazards and that you are fire safe, which some residents have already signed up to.
MSP Surgery
Finally, the residents’ hub held an MSP surgery with Fulton MacGregor and his 2 assistants, Elaine and Donna. Everyone had plenty of questions for Fulton, and we hope he was able to resolve some of your queries!
Fish Van
Every Friday evening, around 5pm, Billy brings his fresh fish van and parks outside the hub. You can purchase fresh produce without having to travel – “straight from the shore to your door”!
Donkey Heaven
One of our residents, May Dallas, has a adopted a donkey at the Scottish Borders Donkey Sanctuary: Donkey Heaven. She is planning on taking day trips with her granddaughter to visit her donkey, Hamish.
Staff Activities
Staff recently have taken part in fire training, which involved learning how to use a fire extinguisher and some ways on preventing fires from starting. They had a blast! Many have also completed first aid training, learning important life saving techniques such as how to deal with CPR, choking and seizures.
Summer Events and Activities
Our hub events are temporarily on hold during our busy summer months, allowing residents to enjoy holidays or even just the good weather. Our bus has still been making its regular outings, such as to Largs or 10 pin bowling. We can’t wait to give you our update on what autumn brings, as the spring/summer events and activities were definitely interesting!
To find out more about Red Deer Village and what goes on within the park, please contact us here.