Energy Saving Tips for Residents

We’ve found a list of tips for saving energy and money in your home!
1 – Turning your thermostat down by 1ºC can save up £60 per year! Keeping heating on at a constant low heat can also save money. Instead of switching it on and off on for high blasts of heat.
2 – Wearing jumpers, sock ands slippers around the house can prevent you from wanting to turn up the heating.
3 – A high pressure shower can actually use more water than a bath! Turn the pressure down in the shower to save water.
4 – When using the oven, try to cook more than one meal at a time, to get the most out of having your oven on.
5 – Leaving the oven door open after cooking can allow the heat to warm your kitchen. This allows you to turn down the thermostat. This is far more efficient than using an extractor fan.
6 – Save water and energy by just scraping the dishes and avoid pre-rinsing in hot water.
7 – Keeping the fridge and freezer full uses less energy, as empty space wastes not just room but energy also.
8 – Using the correct rings on the hob saves energy. Heating up a small meal in a big pan wastes a lot of energy, and heating a large pan on a small ring is most likely going to be heated for longer rather than saving money or energy.
9 – Washing clothes on a 30º C – 40ºC will save large amounts of money, as most of a washing machine’s energy is spent on heating the water.
10 – Air-dry laundry rather than tumble drying, especially in warm or windy weather.
11 – Taking clothes out of the dryer before they’re completely dry will use less energy on the dryer, and clothes will iron quicker.
12 – Unplug appliances not in use and turn off chargers that aren’t actually charging. Leaving appliances on standby will also waste more energy that turning things off at the socket.
13 – On a sunny day, opening the windows and curtains will let warmth into your home, but when it’s cold or the sun goes down, remember to close them to keep the heat in.
14 – Compare gas and electricity prices to make sure you’re on the cheapest tariff for you.
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