How long do park homes last?
The manufacturers of all park homes on our parks are members of the NPHC (National Park Homes Council) and new homes are all supplied with a 10-year warranty. We have homes on our parks that are well over 40 years old and are still in excellent condition. Modern park home technology has improved dramatically over the past few years and modern park homes are expected to last beyond that figure with proper care and attention.
A new home is likely to require little maintenance in its first 10 years. External painting is required after 2 to 3 years and every 3 years ongoing to maintain its Gold Shield or Platinum Seal Warranty. Older park homes do require maintenance, and a home over 20 years old may well require a new roof or re-cladding. Those interested in purchasing an older second hand home on one of our parks should consider carefully the maintenance requirements that will be required to maintain the condition of the home. We would recommend that anyone purchasing an older home, especially a home more than 10 years old, has a full survey of the property carried out before buying it.