Open Weekend Success

The official launch of our brand new Pathfinder residents’ hub / sales suite was a huge success!
On Saturday 9th September 2017, the official launch of our beautiful Pathfinder residents’ hub / sales suite took place. The turnout from residents and guests was great! Residents were gathering outside well before the event, excited to finally see our new building. After speeches from Hugh Gaffney, MP, Fulton MacGregor, MSP, and Rufus Bellamy, son of renowned botanist David Bellamy, the ribbon was cut, allowing everyone to enter the hub.
The hub lived up to everyone’s expectations! Everyone was stunned by the interior, designed using Voyage soft furnishings. Guests and residents enjoyed hot and cold beverages and miniature macarons, eclairs, chocolate profiteroles and cream slices. In the patio area, the hog roast was in full swing, with a queue leading back into the office. Accompanying the hog roast were rolls, salad, coleslaw and condiments such as jalapeno chutney, Bramley apple, sweet chilli sauce and, all-time favourite, ketchup.
Visitors were taken on our golf carts for a tour around the park and enjoyed looking around the homes and hearing from residents about what it’s like to live at Red Deer Village. Our sales team were all on hand to answer any questions, as well as our “junior” sales team – the children of the directors, who were all keen to help out at the launch. Our housekeeping staff were also attending, helping everyone to a tea of coffee, and even our maintenance team made sure they were included in the photo shoot!
The residents’ hub / sales suite is now officially open to residents and guests, and we’re hoping to host some events in our hub very soon!
The cutting of our ribbon – Hugh Gaffney (MP), John Hendry (Director), Rufus Bellamy, Ivan Hendry (Director), Fulton MacGregor (MSP) (left to right)
Patio Area – everyone enjoying or queuing for our hog roast
Hub interior
Resident, Nan McGuiness, with her friend and director, Tanya Hendry (right to left)
Our directors, John and Ivan Hendry, with the managing director of Pathfinder homes, Bruce Macdonald, and his son, Dan, the manufacturers of our new hub.
Left to Right: Administrative Assistant, Leah Louise Hendry, Housekeeping, Carol Wheeler, Receptionist and resident, Maureen McGinlay, Assistant Office Manager, Maria Kennedy, Receptionist, Elizabeth Reid, Housekeeping, Kathleen McKinney
Left to Right:Maintenance, Yanko Blazhev, Bus Driver, Alistair McKinnon, Director, John Hendry, Maintenance, Daniel Penev and Dimitar Kasabov, Rufus Bellamy, Head Gardener, John Rodden, Director, Ivan Hendry, Maintenance, Rosen Vitanov, Head of Groundworks, Michael Harley, Maintenance, Todor Dechov and Krasimir Baychev
Left to Right: Yanko Blazhev, Alistair McKinnon, Daniel Penev, Dimitar Kasabov, John Hendry, Rufus Bellamy, Ivan Hendry, Rosen Vitanov, John Rodden, Michael Harley, Todor Dechov and Krasimir Baychev
Our “junior” sales team with the directors – Ivan Hendry, Tanya Hendry, Ian Hendry, Liam Hendry, Elizabeth Hendry, James Hendry, Leah Louise Hendry, John Hendry (left to right)
Patio Area and Hog Roast
Residents and guests socialising in our new hub
Directors, John and Ivan Hendry, with Rufus Bellamy
Hugh Gaffney, MP, chatting to residents of the park
Young guests being taken on a tour in our golf carts by our “junior” sales team